Thursday, May 18, 2023

Lights Out

It was surreal last night dropping into my men's Wednesday night league match.  The neighborhood was blacked out from a power outage that knocked out all the local traffic lights.  Knowing how competitive my team is, they took notice of the situation and walked onto the indoor courts relying on natural light from the sky lights.  We laughed as we whiffed some of our first swings attempting to adjust to the low light.  The local pro was disapproving of our actions noting the bathrooms were off limits due to the darkness in the building.  We seemed oblivious and quickly adapted.  

The lights came back on about twenty minutes into our warmup and we began our matches.  Every minute of court time is critical as our men's 18+ and 40+ teams are facing off next month to see if we can claim top dog in Iowa and move on to regional competition later in the summer.  Ten minutes later the pro in charge of the facility announced the club was closing early due to the crisis.  His staff was already released in anticipation of a long night of darkness.  Once again, we adapted and relocated to local courts in three separate locations in order to accommodate all the players eager to play.  My group headed to City High School.  We heard new courts were recently built and this would be a great opportunity since our championship matches are scheduled for outside next month.  If lights out were strike one, strike two happened to be the barely visible lines on the courts.  I think the construction crew in charge must have been drinking margaritas, lots of margaritas while painting the lines.  Our courts resembled clay courts as the lines appeared covered up.

The good news is we overcame all our challenges and there was no strike three.  I wish my teammates success in our upcoming matches.  It's a great feeling knowing I can count on my teammates to do whatever it takes to reach full potential.  Have a great day.

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