Saturday, May 13, 2023

A Shout Out to All the Moms

I know.  I know.  Today is not Mother's Day.  So, what's the shout out for today?  Today all the moms in this world are still doing all the things they do on the other 364 days of the year that aren't Mother's Day.  So, I hope some of these moms happen to see this story honoring them, like my mother who reads these stories daily.  I'm sure with six adult kids her calendar will be full tomorrow.

I hope you grew up with a loving mother who only wanted the best for you.  If you didn't, I'm sorry.  A loving mother is a true refection of God's love for you.  Maybe your mother left this planet earlier than you wanted.  I'm sorry for that too.  I do have some good news for you.  Your mother is still around although now invisible to you and others.  She's cheering for you.  She can't wait to embrace you when it's your time to depart.  And if you have one of those mothers who didn't live up to your expectations, the best thing you can do is forgive her.  Only God knows why she wasn't capable of being a loving mother.  Let go of those negative memories and be thankful you are here because without her you wouldn't exist.

Here's a special message for all the moms in this world.  Thank you.  This includes every single mom I know.  This is for all my sisters, aunts, cousins, coworkers, neighbors, friends, and others who make our world better with their presence.  You are a blessing for all of us.  May you feel loved and pampered today, tomorrow on Mother's Day, and all days.  Yes, thank you.  Have a great day.

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