Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Lessons from the Service Dogs in Training

The other day I met a dog trainer.  She was teaching her German Shepherd how to be a service dog.  I don't know all of her methods but one thing stood out every time the service dog did something the trainer didn't like.  Her command was simple and the dog quickly responded, eager for the rewards.  All she had to do was say "wrong."  If that didn't work, she repeated the command.  Most of the time, the dog responded on the first command.   My mind drifted to Sea World in San Diego where we visited often.  There was one show in particular that mesmerized me.  All of the participants were rescue animals.  Dogs.  Cats.  Critters.  They were trained the same way – positive reinforcement and simple voice commands that were eventually replaced with simple hand gestures.

In a way, we humans can learn from service dogs in training.  We need to be reminded when our behavior is wrong.  When we are guided to the correct behavior we are rewarded with the ultimate prize – Heaven.  If a service dog reaches "graduation" from the training, it's rewarded with a lifetime job.  We humans have free will do decide on eternity with our Creator or eternity in the place where people go who would rather be on their own.  That's all Hell is, a place where the Master is not accepted.

If today you hear the master's voice, pay attention.  If you hear, "wrong," change your behavior.  The master is willing to work with you until the very last day of your life.  What are you going to do the next time you hear his voice?  Have a great day.

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