Thursday, February 2, 2023

Why Do You Do the Things You Do?

 Do you ever feel like you are living your life according some sort of a computer software program?  Think about this for a moment.  Do you get up at the same time every morning?  Do you repeat everything you did the day before right up to the moment you hit the pillow?  Whatever you do, whether it's the same routine or a different one, why is this?  What drives your behavior?  Understand this and you will be able to take control of that computer software inside your brain and make positive changes.

I believe at the core of my being I have this desire to learn.  I also enjoy passing these new ideas along to others.  That's it.  I also have a curiosity about wanting to discover better ways of living my life.  It's fun for me to see others improve the quality of their lives.  

My routine changed yesterday because one of the players in our Wednesday tennis night got the flu and had to cancel.  I was originally scheduled for the 8pm time slot due to my day job schedule which keeps out of prime time tennis at 6pm.  My captain asked me to come out early and my boss approved my request to leave early.  The next thing I knew I doubled my tennis fun.  It was also an endurance test.  I wanted to see if my molecules I'm experimenting with can increase my stamina.  Also, tennis is fun and we all need some fun in our daily routines.  

The opposing question to ask yourself is, "Why do you avoid doing things you should do?"  If you're willing to explore this you may uncover certain things like fear of failure or even fear of success.  Anything that may lead to big changes in your life may not be welcomed by your brain that likes the status quo.  Perhaps not doing to the things you should be doing is related to allowing your brain to control your fixed software program.  I do know one thing about myself, change is not easy.  Change requires hard work.  If you happen to be contemplating making serious changes in your life, I salute you.  Have a great day.

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