Thursday, February 9, 2023

What Happens When You Decrease Your Food Window?

 It's been twenty-two hours since my last meal.  I don't recommend this for someone following the typical American diet which consists of three meals a day and regular snacks between meals.  Your brain will rebel and life will be miserable.  I also recommend that you speak with your physician before embarking on something like I'm doing.  Before you write me off as a lunatic, let me share what's going on at Casa de Mulligan.

I'm doing my best to finish "Live Long and Prosper."  It's gone through so many changes that it is now unrecognizable.  It's like that ugly caterpillar that entered a cocoon and then magically became a butterfly.  Something was missing during the cocoon stage so I went back and tinkered with the manuscript searching for ways to refine the material.  One of my discoveries is that I can't write the chapters until I've lived the chapters.  Yes, I'm a human lab rat and my food experiments are being tested on myself before I share my lessons.  

You may think I'm a lunatic.  Who in their right mind would skip that many meals and snacks?  My answer to you is people who want to change the world.  Who says three meals a day are good for you?  Who says you need snacks between meals?  I'll tell you who...people with fat bellies.  They unknowingly shove food into their mouths throughout the day because they are hungry.  Guess what?  I'm not hungry.  I played nearly three hours of tennis last night and never sat down once between games.  How can this be?  I believe it has something to do with decreasing my food window.

If you think I'm crazy, ask yourself why so many people in America have fat bellies?  If you say it's part of the aging process, guess again.  Maybe we have been duped by the companies that process our foods.  Maybe they found a way to get our brains addicted to foods that are actually harmful for us.  Perhaps our best defense against this is to gradually decrease our food window so we can return to the ways of our ancestors when we had to hunt and gather for our next meal.

Did you know that when you skip a meal your brain and body go into defense mode?  Brain fog disappears.  Blood sugar levels drop to optimal levels.  Cells repair themselves.  Why?  This is to prepare for a famine which the brain thinks must be happening because the food supply was interrupted.

Stay tuned for more updates.  While you're waiting, consider the idea of decreasing your food window.  Have a great day.

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