Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Avocados, M&M's, and Water Balloons

 Today's story is a simplified view of the Standard American Diet (SAD) and how it may be silently killing you.  I'm using avocados, M&M's, and water balloons to illustrate what's going on inside our bodies.  Share this with your doctor and consult with him or her before making serious changes to your food intake.  

The avocados represent healthy food choices.  Notice the valve in the pipeline which can be turned on or off depending on what your choice is to eat foods that lead to a healthy body.  The M&M's are your non-healthy food choices.  In my opinion, nearly 2/3 of Americans leave this valve on throughout the day.  These foods are the foods that make you fat, sick, and nearly dead.  Think of M&M's as a hot water valve and avocados as a cold water valve.  Many falsely believe they can eat foods from the hot water source all the time as long as the cold water is turned on once in a while to "balance" the SAD diet.  A quick examination of the belly size will confirm or deny this lifestyle.  Warm water may not be the solution.

Let's take a look at what is going on inside our bellies when we leave the hot water valve open too long or we open it too often throughout the day.  Keep in mind that food is energy.  It can be used or stored.  That's where the water balloons come in.  Your body will store energy in the water balloons until the energy is needed like when there may be a famine.  This happened to our ancestors.  They turned on the hot water during times of plenty, stored the excess energy in the water balloons, and tapped the water balloons when food was scarce.

Since when did we in America experience famine?  That's why the water balloons are always full of stored energy.  I challenge you to name one disease that is not related to over-filled water balloons.  By the way, if your doctor is prescribing pills, ask yourself if these pills are merely permission slips to allow you to keep your hot water valve open.  Is it possible that if you changed from hot water (M&M's) to cold water (Avocados), then perhaps you could open up a valve inside your body and drain some water balloons (stored energy)?  

In case you're wondering why so many of the diets you tried in the past didn't work, I have a thought for you.    Maybe your brain has been behaving like a spoiled child.  Do you cave in every time your stomach (spoiled child number two) growls and you're forced to turn on the hot water valve?  Do you avoid turning on the cold water valve because you're always stuffed from unhealthy snacks?  These frequent outbursts are because your brain and your stomach are in cahoots.  They work together to control the opening and closing of your valves.  When they are running the show your body becomes overwhelmed with balloons.  The good kids (kidneys, liver, etc) rebel.  They quit doing their chores because they are fed up having to clean up the mess.  The result of this is more doctor visits and more permission slips.  That may be a reason why cases of Diabetes are on the rise.  

Is there a way to find peace amidst all these avocados, M&M's, and water balloons?  I'm experimenting with my own valves.  I'm not allowing my brain and stomach to make the call, especially when they may be screaming at the top of their lungs, "I want more M&M's."  That valve has been completely shut for the last three weeks.  Not only is that valve shut, but the other cold water valve is only turned on once or twice a day.  My brain and stomach have no choice but to shut up and turn on the valve that drains the water balloons.  Yep.  It's like a giant water balloon party.  This is what intermittent fasting is all about.  It's a clever way to pretend you are living in caveman times when food was so scarce that our ancestors learned to adapt.  Interesting things happen when the spoiled kids (brain and stomach) realize they are no longer in control.  

Remember to always consult with your physician before you begin experimenting with your hot and cold water valves.  Share this story with a friend if you would like to engage them in the avocado, M&M's, and Water Balloons debate.  More about this will be shared in "Live Long and Prosper."  Have a great day.

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