Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Ideas for Consideration When Seeking the Truth

 You don't have to look far to see lies.  Most things in this world are filled with lies.  Without getting political, consider what the opposing forces to your beliefs are doing.  Easy to spot the lies, right?   It may be a bit more challenging when the side you happen to be with is in power because you truly want your side to tell the truth.  Sadly, the lies are on both sides.

There is another area where the truth is also difficult to see.  Religion.  Yes, religion.  This is one area you might believe is safe.  If this is true, please tell me why there are so many fights between believers?  Examples of this are the Holy Wars, the schisms, and the false leaders who proclaimed they are acting in God's best interest.  

I would like to share my opinion about why the truth is so difficult to discover.  Believe it or not, there are opposing forces much more powerful than we humans.  They know the truth.  They walked away from the truth falsely believing they were superior to the One who created them.  Bad move.  They are losers.  Yes, losers.  Sadly, they want to take you down with them.  Their weapon of choice is trickery.  They rely on lies to squirm into your life.  They know a million and one ways to block the truth from you.  

When you are seeking the truth, please be cautious of the opposing forces.  Be wary about the dissension that the dark side will seek to draw you into.  There is no rivalry in God's house.  There are no lies either.  Those closest to the truth are willing to die for it knowing that the truth is who God is.  God cannot lie.  He will never lie.  He only knows one thing – love.  Love and truth are inseparable.  Love and truth may be hard to find when you are seeking it but that is only because the opposing forces don't want you to know truth or love.  Seek and you will find.  Do not be discouraged when you hit a roadblock.  The reality is that if you are hitting obstacles in your life, it's may be because you are close to finding the truth.  Find truth and you will find God.  That is your challenge.  Have a great day.

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