Monday, May 23, 2022

Why the Critic Doesn't Matter

There are two kinds of critics.  The critic who cares about you and wants you to succeed offers feedback to help you improve.  Listen and grow.  Today's story is about the second kind of critic, the one who is envious of your performance.  This critic is about as useful as an air conditioner in Winter.  Tune this critic out.  This critic will only get in the way.  Run away, don't walk.  

I'm really not sure why poor critics tend to hang out together.  It may be related to self esteem.  Maybe they would rather be the biggest fish among minnows than be around those who aren't afraid to take risks.  This is why you need to watch where you spend your time.  If the minnows are gathering at the water cooler, find a new watering hole.  Your peace of mind depends on this.  Find the big fish and swim with them.  Have a great day.


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