Monday, May 9, 2022

Can You Correct Mission Drift?

If you are human, odds are you will encounter mission drift.  If you aren't aware of this happening you can drift away for years and end up far away from your goals.  It's like playing on the offense for a football team.  Your goal is to score but something happens and your penalties cause you to move backwards.  

Mission drift is best dealt with early on so you have time to get back on course.  Today is a good day to review where you are and where you want to go.  How are you doing in 2022?  Are you closer or further away from your mission on this planet?  Look for even the smallest signs of mission drift.  It may be hitting snooze when you need to hit the ground running.  You may be around others who specialize in mission drifting.  If they have no desire to reach their goals, you may be negatively influenced.  Have a great day. 

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