Sunday, May 22, 2022

Read This if You're Hurting

We all have regrets.  I'm writing this story today so that I won't carry the regret with me of avoiding writing about it because it's a difficult topic.  If this story reaches you and only you, then I'm beyond thankful to share.  If it's meant for a friend or family member of yours and you feel it may help, please pass it along.  Okay.  I'm taking some deep breaths.  Here goes...

Suicide.  It may be on your mind right now.  You're looking around and you don't see any glimmer of hope.  Your loved one betrayed you.  Your employer dumped you.  Your investments have turned into a pile of rubble.  You feel like life sucks.  Your doctor told you that your days are numbered and the end is near.  Is this you?  Do you feel like you can't go on?  Please don't check out.  I've been there.  I also know the exact source of my dark thoughts and this source is out to destroy you because that is all it knows... darkness.  Please, keep reading.

There is someone out there who knows every hair on your head.  If you don't have any hair, this someone knows every thought you have even before you think it.  Maybe that's because this someone inspired me to write this story.  Those dark thoughts come from the pits of Hell.  Yep.  You didn't think them on your own.  The Enemy put them there.  Dark angels interfered with your life.  Don't give them any opportunity for a victory lap.  Someone died on a cross for you so that you can be free.  Death lost.  That's a big one.  Death lost.  Death has no power over any of us.  Hope wins.  God wins.  You can claim victory over any situation you're facing right now.  Turn the light on.  See the hope.  You are a child of God.  Your life matters.  Have an extraordinary day.  Thank you for visiting.

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