Saturday, February 26, 2022

What Lesson is in Exodus 40?

If you're struggling with deadlines, delays, or any other issues involving time, I know exactly how you feel.  I often wonder why so many road blocks keep showing up in my life.  I feel like I'm a type A trapped in an episode of the Outer Limits, a TV show that aired when my concept of time was forming in my young brain.  As much as I want to control time, I realize that's impossible.  The solution is found in Exodus, the second book of the Old Testament.  Chapter 40 teaches us how to trust God with anything related to time.  Warning.  This is a rather challenging lesson, especially for the type A's of the world.

The Chosen Ones had no clue when they were going to reach their destination.  Most didn't because they disobeyed God.  The 40 years of wandering is a consequence of not following God's plan.  God decided to keep it simple with the clock.  He told Moses to set up camp in the desert.  Once the camp was set up, God  sent a cloud to the tabernacle in the center of the camp to show he was with his people.  When the cloud was present, the Chosen Ones stayed in place.  When the cloud was taken up from the tabernacle it was time to go.  Can you imagine how frustrating that must have been for those in a hurry to get to the promised land?  I feel the same way with my book writing.  I have this need to advance while the cloud from Heaven remains in a fixed position.  The last 40 years of my life have been a time of wandering in my own personal desert.  I need to pay close attention to Exodus 40 if I'm ever going to find my way, trusting in God to lead me according to his perfect timing.  Refer to the Bible for more great lessons like the story in Exodus and see if this helps you find your way.  Have a great day.

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