Saturday, February 12, 2022

Lightning Morning, Lightning Blog

 I wake up every morning without the aid of an alarm clock.  This makes waking up a more pleasant experience.  The usual wakeup time is in the 4:30 to 5:30 AM range.  It's a bit longer on the weekends because these are days when my wife gets the opportunity to sleep in.  For me, this is my longest time sleeping in... 6:45 AM.  I now know I can get through my prayers, meditation, Bible in a Year Podcast, blog, and morning prep in 45 minutes without the stress of feeling rushed.

This lightning blog message was written to let you know I'm here even though it's in a bit of a hurry-up mode so I can get to my day job on time.  I will elaborate on some important lessons I'm learning through my daily podcast messages.  Leviticus is usually the point where many Bible readers get lost and give up.  For me, having a guide help me understand what's going on is helpful.  I'm off to the races.  Have a great day.