Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Spiritual Playbooks

There are two playbooks in play during the epic war between Heaven and Hell that started long before we were born.  One side wants to share the playbook while the other prefers to hide theirs.  Spectators can be enlightened when they see inside Heaven's playbook.  The same spectators can also be confused when the dark side is on offense.  If you want the reader's digest version of the outcome, Heaven wins.  It's in the playbook, a.k.a. the Bible.

I've been listening to Heaven's playbook on a daily podcast for over fifty consecutive days.  The Old Testament refers to the beginning of the world, Noah's Ark, and many stories about God's Chosen Ones.  The daily commentary helps me understand that this playbook isn't just for the Chosen Ones as there are many hidden secrets in the playbook that are for our benefit in these modern times.  

Be wary of the dark side's playbook.  It's meant to distract, divide, and confuse us.  There is nothing in writing like Heaven's playbook.  Instead, the dark side prefers to use it's minions to get inside our heads with messages such as, "You really don't need to read Leviticus, it's old news and there's nothing there for you." or, "You can look at the Bible tomorrow when you have more time, maybe tomorrow."  Another favorite mind game goes like this, "Why bother praying?  God doesn't have time for your petty problems."

Keep in mind how the fight started.  One player on the God's team decided he was better than God.  He wanted to be in charge of the playbook.  God told his player if he wanted to be in charge he would have to leave the team.  Surprisingly, one third of the team followed the disgruntled player.  We humans have our own free will and we can decide to follow God's playbook or abandon ship.  The Evil One wants you to falsely believe his drowning is good and reining in Hell is better than serving in Heaven.   The truth is the Evil One can't stand to be around we humans.  Maybe the Evil One hates us because we are a reflection of our Creator.  Don't let the Evil One use his trick plays to deceive you.  Follow God's playbook.  Memorize the plays.  Become intimate with the quarterback who enters the game at halftime.  He gave his life so you can get the ultimate prize, eternity with our Creator.  Have a great day.

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