Sunday, February 13, 2022

Beware of the Illusions

 How much of what you perceive is an illusion?  Be honest with your answer.  Is it possible that there are things in the world that are really mirages?  If something is an illusion, how do you know?  I don't have the answers because I really don't know.  What I do know is that change is in the air.  It may be good change for some and bad change for others.  In my opinion, there are some perilous trials ahead.  My awareness of these trials has to do with all the trials I've been through in my life.  My faith is what keeps me going in spite of all the challenges.  

Today is a good day to seek the truth.  If you are fighting with others, you are probably living in some kind of illusion.  The fighting adds to the blindness.  If there is hatred in your heart, let go of it.  This will help you get past all the illusions in your life.  The more you can love others, the easier it is to see through any illusions that may be in your life.  Have a great day.

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