Friday, August 27, 2021

Get to the Best Version of Yourself 1% at a Time

 I get it.  You look in the mirror every day and you see the same version of yourself that you saw yesterday.  Nothing changes.  You feel you're stagnated.  You look around and you see others killing it and you don't know what's wrong.  I've been there.  Change isn't easy, especially when you try to do too many things at the same time.  I found a solution that works even for people like me who get stuck.  It's the 1% improvement method.

If you can get 1% better at something daily, you can be a whole different person in 100 days.  There's even a bonus when you consider that you get the benefit of compounding interest on your most valuable asset – yourself.  That's 1% on top of the 1% from yesterday.  I'll let the mathematicians out there do the math for you to tell you exactly when you double your value.  Let's just say you will double in value before you hit the 100 day mark.  Do this for every part of yourself you want to improve.  If you stay with this method, you can double up on almost four areas of you life annually.  Go for it.  Carpe Diem!  Have a great day.

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