Monday, August 23, 2021

Dear Future Self

 Dear Future Self,

It will be nice to meet you someday.  When you look back at me, remember one thing – I never had the advantage of 20/20 hindsight vision like you do.  I made all my decisions based on the information I had at my fingertips.  Many times I had almost nothing to go on but my intuition.  You are who you are because I stayed in the game even when the odds where against me.

I thought of you during many of my trials.  I wondered if you would appreciate the sacrifices.  One of the issues I'm struggling with right now on 8/23/21 is the void I'm feeling from those who already departed this planet.  My guess is that those losses will only increase over time.  By the time you read this letter at some future date you will face even greater losses.  This letter will serve to jog your memory about something I want you to long remember – gratitude.  Remember to always be thankful for every person in your life.  Laugh with them.  Comfort them when they are sick or dying.  Never miss an opportunity to let others know how much you appreciate them.  May you live long and prosper, future self.  Have a great day.

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