Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why Turning Off the Negativity Isn't Easy

We all have our ruts, a series of habits that are so engrained we don't even think about them.  Breaking out of them is almost impossible.  In my opinion, it's because the negative forces in our lives are rampant.  Is there a way out?  Yes.  It comes with a price.  You must be willing to change.  Some wait for bad news to do this.  I'm not waiting.  I want a positive life now.

You may not even notice all the negativity you are bombarded with because it seems so normal.  When was the last time you went on a hike?  A trip to the lake?  Maybe a beach experience?  Sadly, time in front of a TV takes us away from the kinds of experiences we should be having.  Time fighting about who is right and who is wrong on social media is time that could be spent with a loved one.

Turn off the negativity now.  Abandon your TV.  Read books that teach lessons and bring you good vibes.  Be with people you love.  Meditate.  Look for the positive.  Hint:  the more time you spend with Nature the easier it will become for you to see the positive.  Exercise.  Choose foods that boost your energy.  Seize the day.  Have a great day.

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