Friday, August 2, 2019

A Simple Method for Eliminating a Bad Habit

The urge to watch TV is so engrained in our life style as Americans that we don't even think about it anymore.  In my opinion, the worst bad habits are the ones we believe we have no control over.  Don't fret.  I found a way to get rid of it and it's working.  My TV time has been reduced by over 90% since late April.  If you're serious about doing this, decide on something you would rather do instead of your current bad habit and then focus all your energy on what you are replacing.  For me, it's reading self-help books.  My TV time is now reading time.  The ideas in the books are helping me to improve in every area of my life.

Bad habits don't really need to die.  Just upgrade to something better and your old habit will be out of your life.  Give this idea a try and stick with it for 30 days to make your replacement activity a permanent habit.  Have a great day.

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