Wednesday, August 7, 2019

On Fire

The small changes are making a difference in my life.  I just started my fifth book of the year, "On Fire," by John O'Leary.  Click here to get your copy on Amazon.  They say if you want to get something done, give it to a busy person.  Well, I'm just about tapped out on my level of busy.  The only way I can take on something new is to give something up.  Watching TV is pretty much a thing of the past now with the exception of an occassional movie with my wife.  I prefer reading books that help me improve my mind.  This new habit also comes in handy on long layovers at the airport.  For me, there's no such thing as down time unless I'm sleeping 8 hours a night to restore my body.

Every morning when you wake up you have a decision to make.  Do you want to be on fire or just go through the motions?  I know the answer to this question in my life.  For me, it's about breaking through those barriers that prevent you from becoming the person you are created to be.  I ask myself, "How is it possible to go an one more vacation without breaking my promise to pay our mortgage off early?"

Make wise choices today.  Keep in mind that those small choices that may appear as insignificant are the ones that can provide the kindling you need for a life that's on fire.  Have a great day.

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