Friday, August 9, 2019

Do This When You're Figuring Out God's Plan for Your Life

Figuring out God's plan takes patience, a lot of patience.  If you're an engineer, you need to do some reverse engineering.  If you're a talker, you need to become a better listener.  If you're a teacher, you need to become a student.  Jesus says you need to become like a child.

Remember when you were a kid and everything seemed exciting?  That's what you need to discover.  Be willing to go places where you feel uncomfortable.  Pay attention to your specific gifts.  They are clues.  Listen to the people around you who can help you go in the right direction.  Be willing to pray for guidance.

What does a child do when he's stuck?  Crying gets attention.  That probably won't work if you're fifty something.  What does work is trying something new.  Stand up for the first time.  Stand up again when you fall.  Roll over.  Walk instead of crawl.  Explore.  Try a new approach.  Work well and play well with others.  Love everyone, including the people who interrupt your play time.  Share. Smile.  Rest.  Keep searching until you discover where God wants you to go and what he wants you to do.  Expect obstacles.  They are part of your journey.  Have a great day.

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