Sunday, August 18, 2019

What it's Like to Live Outside Your Comfort Zone

If you're comfortable and want to stay that way, please stop reading this and move on to something else.  Today's story isn't for you.  In fact, I'm pretty sure my message will have a target audience of only one.  Dave Ramsey is famous for teaching people to "live like no one else so you can live like no one else."  It's short term sacrifices for long term living.  This is where I live, however, I go to the extremes in order to achieve maximum potential.  If you're still reading, maybe you're the one in a million.  Just remember, I warned you in advance.

My journey to the uncomfort zone began when a friend and co-worker asked me to join her for coffee.  I told her, "I don't drink coffee but I will listen to what you have to share."  We sat down at our neighborhood coffee shop and I sipped on my hot chocolate while she talked about her dreams to be a champion network marketer.  "Watch me," she said.  "I'll be driving my Mercedes on these back roads." I had zero interest in what she shared.  In fact, if it's possible to measure in the negative, my thermometer was somewhere in the frigid zone.  Ice cold.  I was headed back to my comfort zone after politely declining her offer to join her team when she asked me, "what shampoo do you use?"  The look on her face signaled trouble.  She kept questioning me like a prosecuting attorney conducting a murder trial and I was guilty of a major crime – consuming products that have known links to cancer. "The products I offer my customers are safe and you should give them a try."

Are you uncomfortable yet?  You know where this is going, right?  Yep.  I ordered some products from my friend.  That's the easy part.  My wife jumped in and started using the products with me.  I decided to join my friend's team.  The next thing I knew, I was interviewing her friend, an executive vice president, on Facebook about the company and sharing it with my friends.  Yep.  Super uncomfortable.  Especially because 99.9% of the world has a negative opinion of network marketing.

Maybe you're asking, "is this crazy guy going to be driving a Mercedes on the back roads like his friend?"  I don't think so.  My dream is different.  I have a day job that I absolutely love.  My dream is to help others live their dreams to their full potential and that means guiding them through situations that can be very uncomfortable at times, like inviting others to join your network marketing team.  It means learning new technology.  It means living like no one else so you can live like no one else.  That's my story for today.  Thank you for allowing me to share the most uncomfortable part of my life with you.  If you want to learn more about this topic, reach out to me.  By the way, you can find a link to order your own healthy products at the top of my blog.  Have a great day.

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