Sunday, August 11, 2019

Celebrate Your Bogeys

If you've been following my debt reduction journey, you know my three year plan started out with a whole bunch of bogeys in a row.  That's okay.  I realize I'm not an expert when it comes to budgeting.  Think of me as a recreational player who wants to improve but lacks the skills of an expert.  Sure, any financial guru would look at me and laugh.  I'm laughing too.  Why?  Because I'm looking at my life through the eyes of a marathon runner and I understand the first eight months were really practice swings.  Yes, I'm counting my strokes as I go and I know if I keep playing this debt reduction game, eventually all the debt will be gone.

I want to make a distinction between the blame game and personal responsibilty.  The truth is I own my score on the debt reduction course.  There are daily choices and I'm the one deciding how to play the game.  I want to savor every moment – the sand traps, the lakes, the rivers, and the bunkers.  They appear as the washing machine breaking, an unexpected bill from the hospital after I thought I was paid in full, or a rate increase on my auto insurance.  Yep, the hazards are all part of the game.  The key is to keep improving until you make par consistently and achieve your objective – financial independence.

Most experts would probably consider my debt reduction game as a bit unorthodox.  Who in their right mind would take four vacations during the first year of a hard core debt reduction plan?  Well, I know I'm not in my right mind and I refuse to conform to something that's so rigid that I feel like I'm stuck on Alcatraz.  Nope.  I'm choosing to celebrate the bogeys.  I will keep working on my swing until I learn to make par for the rest of the game.  Don't count me out.  Yes, I will need a few eagles in the final round to hit my target but some day I will get financial freedom right, even if I'm a hacker who is playing the game left-handed.  Stay with me.  It's just starting to get interesting.  Have a great day.

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