Friday, August 30, 2019

Protect Your Energy Field

Have you ever noticed how certain people you meet lift you up while others drain you?  I'm not an expert on this topic but I'm pretty good at noticing how I feel around others.  There's a pattern.  Some people, like my tennis teammates, pump me up.  There are others who drain me.  It's the same people.  I do my best to avoid the negative people because they seem to transfer their energy into my spirit.  No bueno.  It takes a significant amount of work to recover from these encounters.

Strive to protect your energy field.  Treat the space around you as valuable real estate.  Remember the  most important part – location, location, location.  If you are in a location where the energy around you is negative, move.  I'm serious about this.  Your health may depend on this.  I'm thankful to be living in a part of the world where people are generally happy and treat others with kindness.  This is great for my energy field.  I recommend you take a look at your surroundings and make sure you protect your energy field.  Have a great day.

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