Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Secret Ingredient to Help You Get Healthy

How is your exercise routine going?  Is is working?  If not, you need my secret ingredient – fun.  Yes, fun.  If your workout program is boring, you will soon lose interest and miss out on the long term benefits of a healthy life.  I found this ingredient by accident in Aruba and everybody I met is consuming it in megadoses.  They don't even know they're exercising because they're having so much fun they don't consider their activity as fitness.  They play beach tennis, a variation of something I've been doing since before I entered high school.  You don't need to go to Aruba to find your ingredient but you do need to discover something fun in your life that will help you get more active.

You probably already know deep down what kind of activities bring you joy.  Please don't tell me you are missing out because you're too busy.  I promise you that if you make the time for something fun that also helps you get more fit, the time you invest in yourself will somehow help you get more efficient with all your other tasks.  Happy people tend to have healthier bodies.  It works like vitamin D.  Spend time in the sun and see how your body responds.  Spend less time outdoors and observe how your body becomes more lethargic.  The bottom line is to make sure you put more fun in your life and find activities that bring you joy.  Have a great day.

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