Sunday, July 7, 2019

Touch and Go at My Day Job Today

My life in the last few months has changed dramatically.  Today is more like a touch and go than a permanent landing at my day job in Iowa.  I really have no clue how different my life will be now that my job duties have expanded.  My wife and I are headed to an early morning church service before I return to work for a six-hour shift today.  After today, I will have a couple more days off in a row to fully contemplate all the changes in my life.

My wife is definitely the strongest influence in my life.  Every morning when she wakes up she follows her morning rituals.  A cup of coffee.  Morning prayers.  Daily reading.  She immerses herself in several books while in her quiet zone.  Over the years I have adopted her ways and made them my own morning routine.  I don't drink coffee but I now have a stack of books on my nightstand and I dive in before I do anything else.  Every now and then, my love will share a thought from one of her books.  Oddly, the thought is sometimes similar to what I'm reading at the same moment in time.  I suppose we're becoming more alike because we're each finding ways to increase our happiness.  This happens when you're doing the things you love.

I would like to share one more thought with you before I sign off.  It has to do with failing.  Don't worry about it.  If you can double your failure rate in life, you may find increased happiness.  Failure doesn't have to be a wall you're afraid to climb.  There was a time in my life when I preferred to be grounded.  The touch and go was never an option.  Maybe it's because I was too afraid I would fail in the unknown territory.  Not anymore.  I'm flying to new heights.  Give failure a try today.  The more you fail, the more you will grow.  Have a great day.

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