Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Reward Yourself to Stay on Course

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to lose focus?  Maybe you're beating yourself up too much.  Your brain has trouble responding to negative influences.  I found a better way.  It's really simple.  Reward yourself.  Keep track of all the things you're doing right in your life.  That's one reason why I like charts.  I enjoy seeing progress.  Your brain is more apt to stay on course if you monitor your forward progress.  That's why stepping on a scale every morning increases your chances for losing weight.  Use a digital scale that shows your weight to the tenth of a pound.  When your brain sees you lost a couple of ounces and you give yourself an atta boy, you're more likely to keep making those positive food choices.

If you don't have an app on your phone that congratulates you every time you reach your desired number of steps, get one right now and see how your brain responds to the positive feedback.  You're getting the feedback you need to keep improving.  My app says things, like "you almost made it."  This is so encouraging and makes me want to walk more often to get my "atta boy."  Pick an area of your life you would like to improve and decide how you're going to reward yourself for daily improvements.  Let me know how you're doing.  Have a great day.

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