Wednesday, July 3, 2019

I'm Coming Home

What an adventure this has been in Evansville, Indiana.  Great people.  Great fun.  Great experiences.  The only thing missing since late April was family.  The daily phone calls/text messages were helpful but they are no substitute for the real deal... good old-fashioned family time.  My heart is doing the pitter-patter thing this morning as I write today's message.  I'm coming home.

I would like to thank the amazing people who were with my on this journey.  You helped make me a better person.  I'm returning to my life in Iowa as a new person filled with so much gratitude for all the lessons I learned along the way.  My time here as a support person tasked with helping others can be summarized in two words... mission accomplished.  Evansville is in good hands.  Every goal we set has been accomplished.  I will never forget the experiences we shared.  Have a great day.  Wheels up, Wilson.  Let's go home.

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