Saturday, July 20, 2019

Catch Yourself Doing Something Right

We all have a tendency to beat ourselves up.  Those negative things we say to ourselves often outweigh our positive thoughts because they tend to pack more punch.  When we add criticism from others it's surprising how we keep up with a great attitude.  I have a suggestion that may help.  It's really simple but you have to remember to do it.  Here goes:

Catch yourself doing something right.  This means paying careful attention to all the choices you make throughout the day.  Skipping over a bad choice counts.  For example, someone offers you junk food and you politely decline.  Give yourself two points for this for showing great manners and choosing correctly at the same time.  Why not keep a "Doing Something Right" journal for the next 30 days?  Forget about logging the not-so-good choices because your brain will automatically haunt you with those.  The trick is to make a big deal about your right choices so they will help you create winning habits.  Imagine what your life can look like if catching yourself doing something right leads to a permanent way of life.  Maybe those hauntings will become ancient history.  Try it out.  See what happens.  What do you have to lose?  Have a great day.

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