Friday, July 19, 2019

Passing the Baton

Today's blog is a tribute to my wife's aunt, Inez Welsh, who is now with Jesus and all her siblings.  Saying good-bye is not easy.  Inez is the last of the Mohicans.  She officially passed the baton to countless nephews and nieces at age 97.

I'm most thankful for the weekly letters Inez sent my wife over the decades when we were living on the west coast.  Those letters kept us connected.  I also enjoyed Inez's positive outlook on life.  Inez never complained.  Not once.  Inez chose happiness.  For me, her baton is a personal set of instructions on how to live your life to the fullest.  The race is now in the hands of the next generation.  Thank you, Inez, for doing your part to make this world a better place.  You set the standards high for our family.  God bless you.  Until we meet again.  Have a great day.

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