Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Finish Line isn't the Only Part of the Race

I've spent the majority of my life concentrating on the finish line.  Yes, it's nice to have worthwhile goals.  Yes, it's important to pursue them with every ounce of your being.  What I'm discovering is how beautiful the journey to the finish line is.  Also, the finish line isn't really the end of the race.  It's only a chapter.  Once the race ends, it's time to work on another project.

Another flaw in my thinking has to do with how I pursue my goals.  My old school thinking was, "work on one goal at a time."  My new approach is to concentrate on a new goal while keeping all the other goals going, like spinning plates.  The hard part is getting that plate balanced and spinning.  Once it's in motion, it doesn't take much effort to keep it going so you can add a plate to your list of goals.

I'm sharing what my race course looks like in case you're having trouble visualizing what I'm talking about.  It's part golf course with sand traps and water hazards.  It's part cross country paths with mile markers to help me keep track of where I'm at.  It's part mountain hikes with numerous peaks and valleys.  There are tiny Farmer's Market stands along the way where natural foods are offered to keep my body going.  There are also some fun watering holes to gather with friends and hand out along the way.  My race course is designed to help me nurture my specific talents and gifts.  You can create your own to fit your own dreams.  What's important to know is that you need to keep moving forward at your own pace and you need to appreciate everything you experience along the way.  Enjoy it all, not just the finish line.  Have a great day.

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