Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How to Reach a 10 on Your Gratitude Scale

From one to ten, ten being the highest, how would you rank your gratitude?  Your answer most likely correlates with your happiness level.  I know a lot of people who could use a little more happiness.  For me, anything less than ten is no bueno.  I have all the happiness I need in my life because I'm surrounded by blessings.  I'm naturally attracted to others who tend to be happy.  The grumpy ones have trouble with happiness because they believe the world owes them something and they feel cheated when they don't get what they want.  Happy people remind them they're missing out.

I learned a long time ago the world doesn't owe me anything.  I don't need to rely on the world to be at a ten on the gratitude scale because I'm responsible for my own attitude.  Attitude is separate from events.  Bad situations and unhappy people will never steal my ten because I own my attitude and it's not dependent on anything but my own personal choice to be happy.  I see tough times as lessons.  Unhappy people are opportunities for me to work on my patience.  Everything in life is a blessing if you learn the proper mindset.  Be grateful and you will be happy.  Have a great day.

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