Saturday, July 16, 2016

It's a Yellow Straw Weekend

The color of Mrs. Caveman's straw in her morning smoothie is rich in symbolism.  We talk about what it means to us before we go out into the world.  Yesterday it was red straw day for our 27th wedding anniversary.  Today it's yellow, like the caution flag at the races.  Our pace for the summer is fast and furious.  Due to inventory weekend at my day job, my odd hours are going to test my body to its physical limits.  It wouldn't be so demanding if I wasn't throwing in about five hours of practice time on the tennis courts today and tomorrow while I'm off the clock.  Our team is practicing like no other in preparation for the regional playoffs in less than three weeks.

Mrs. Caveman will be joining me for lunch at one of our favorite eateries today.  It's a continuation of our anniversary celebration.  The lunch break will give us an opportunity to make a pit stop and stay connected.  The small things you do in your relationships make a difference.  No matter what color the flag may be on your race course of life or what color your straw is in your morning smoothie, find a way to reach out to the people who matter in your life.  It's smoothie time.  I'm proceeding with caution.  Have a great day.

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