Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How Your Choices Determine Your Destiny

The fatalists in our world argue man has no power to influence the future.  You don't have to look too far to see how poor choices affect families, neighborhoods, communities, even entire countries.  We are not robots.  Every choice we make, good or bad, influences our future.

I believe the most significant choice you make is about love.  The absence of love in your heart is what leads to dissension, hatred, violence and war.  When you choose not to love, you are choosing to live in Hell.  That is your destiny.

What happens when you choose love?  If you choose to love others, even the ones who annoy you so much you wish they were out of your life forever, your future is changed.  Your world is no longer filled with enemies.  You see the potential in others rather than their shortcomings.

The truth is you are loved perfectly.  You may not feel it because the world you live in is filled with so much pain and hardship.  The bad in this world exists because each person is created with the freedom to make choices.  Those who choose not to love others or love God contribute to the chaos.

I decided to love God with every fiber of my being.  I also decided to love others.  I know my destiny.  No matter how hard the other side tries to discourage me, I believe the following Bible verse summarizes it best:   

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. ~ Romans 8:38

Do you believe the choices you make determine your destiny?  Do you believe love plays a role?  What will you do today that will influence your future course?  Please share your answers in the comments section below.

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