Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How Social Are Your Social Media Sites?

Pretend for a moment you're a visitor at your own social media site.  Do you feel welcome?  Or is your experience more like being on an alien planet? I believe hospitality is often overlooked because we're so busy filling our sites with stuff we forget to see things from our reader's perspective.  Why should a visitor return if they can't navigate your site?

I reviewed my both my blogs yesterday and gave myself a failing grade.  I failed in the hospitality department.  My biggest mistake was failing to have a "welcome" button for new readers to click.  It's like having a front door with no doorbell.  Visitors are lost even before they enter.

Here's are some changes I made to make my sites more welcoming:
  1. Install a door bell.  Make sure your welcome button is visible.
  2. Answer the door when they click the button.  When readers click the welcome button, answer the door with a photo of yourself and a brief message introducing yourself.
  3. Share a little bit about your background.  Readers want to get to know you.  This is their first impression.  Make sure your photo shows you smiling.  Tell them why you're hosting your blog or web-site.  Share what inspired you. 
  4. Set up a link to the "family room."  That's what Socalmulligan808 is — a place for my readers to get to know me on a personal level.  If you host more than one social media site, make sure you include links back to your personal blog so your visitors have an opportunity to to meet the real you.
  5. Ask your friends for feedback.  Once your make-over is complete, post a message on your FaceBook page inviting your friends to ring the door bell and evaluate your renovations.  They will let you know if you're on the right track.
Would you like to try out the door bell at my writers blog?  Please let me know if you feel welcome at the Cyber-bistro.  Click here to ring the door bell.  I would love to check out your blog or social media site.  Please leave directions to your site in the comments section so I can visit.  My hope is that you come back often and keep in touch.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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