Monday, May 30, 2011

Celebrating a Special Memorial Day Birthday

Today is my wife's birthday.  She was born on Memorial Day which means she has to wait seven years to officially celebrate the two big events on the same day while I get fireworks every year on my 4th of July special day.  Helen may not get fireworks today, however, she does get special pampering and has full charge of the day's itinerary.

Her birthday reminds me just how lucky I am to be married to someone so loving and unselfish.  She mentioned she is interested in visiting Ft. Rosecrans where my father, Patrick, rests.  This place has one of the best views of the ocean, most likely another destination on this warm, sunny day which marks the beginning of summer.

May your Memorial Day include a moment of remembrance for all those who fought to defend our freedom.  To my wife, the one who has stood my me in good times and in bad, I wish you peace, love, and happiness.  May your special day be filled abundant joy.  Happy birthday and Happy Memorial Day.

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