Friday, May 28, 2010

Staying On Course

The other day, I was asked to consider abandoning this blog because it has attracted the attention of the Evil One.  The reason behind this request is for protection as this person close to me is highly intuitive, he sees danger ahead as the forces of evil attempt to intervene and cause harm.

As you read my posts about being possessed by evil, some of you may think I am joking.  Evil is no joke.  It is real.  It is dangerous.  The Evil One is angry at me for standing up.  He lost his grip on me when I encountered Jesus.  Yes, there is danger ahead and I am ready.  My time in the cave was a time of preparation.  There are days when sharing my faith is not easy and I am tempted to retreat.  Then I think of you, the reader of this blog.  You are here because you are searching for answers.  This motivates me to stay on the path that will lead others to Jesus, just as the light house guides the ships to a safe harbor.

These posts are meant to bring hope and encouragement to others.  Maybe, as you read these messages, you are going through a storm in your life.  I know what it is like to feel alone.  I also know what it is like to have demon voices inside of you, taunting you and making you feel worthless.  I can relate to anyone who just wants to crawl into a cave and escape.  You are not alone and I promise that I will never ever retreat or stop publishing all the good that God has done for me.  Each of us has a specific job to do in this world.  If we stay connected and remain obedient, we can defeat evil.  The Evil One knows that in the end, He will lose and God will win. 

Once you decide to follow Jesus and connect with others, those demons can be cleansed from your soul.  They hate to lose.  They will attack people close to you just to get you to give up.  Once you discover how God wants to use you, you must follow Him and stay the course, no matter how difficult.

There are storms ahead.  Keep your sails up and stay the course.  We are in this boat together and the Captain will deliver us to calm waters.  He will not abandon us no matter how bad the weather gets.  Keep sailing...

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