Saturday, May 29, 2010

Continuous Improvement

Each day, I strive to do things a little bit better than the day before.  In the business world, this has served me well.  When we started our company, we knew a lot about serving our customers but very little about publishing, marketing, distribution, and management.  Small improvements daily, add up to big results.

I have learned that each part of my life is connected to all other parts.  The food I eat and my exercise program play a big role.  My relationships are better when I am healthy.  My finances are still out of balance due to the investment that was required to get our business started, however, small changes here are helping me to stay above water.

As far as this blog goes, I have been working on my time management to allow this to flourish while not hurting all the other areas of my life.  It is interesting how daily writing is actually helping the other areas of my life.  When you are doing what you have been created to do, everything has a way of falling into place.

Since discovering the post options on blogger, I have started writing advance posts which are scheduled for 8:08 in the morning.  For those of you that are waiting for my daily message, you can tune in at 8:08 AM for the latest post.

As I reflect on my life, I can't believe that a procrastinator like me can actually turn into a person who manages time in an organized and efficient manner.  I am now three days ahead in blog writing and on schedule to complete my manuscript for my first book the day before Thanksgiving.  All of this is enhancing all the other areas of my life which includes parenting and building a business.  This is what happens when you put God first, doors open and things start falling out of the sky.  This does not happen unless you make a commitment to build a relationship with the Creator.  Start each day with a prayer and watch how much better your attitude becomes.

May you find ways to improve your life.  No matter how small the improvement may appear today, some day it will bear much fruit.  Focus on the little steps and you will be well rewarded.  Thank you for coming back to visit my blog.  I am grateful for the feedback that some of you have given me.

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