Thursday, May 20, 2010

My New Room-Mate

Yesterday's message was about answering the door (finally) and letting Jesus move into my cave.  In order to make space for him, my wife and I needed to eliminate all the clutter we accumulated over the years.  Jesus was not interested in any particular room to reside in, He wanted to occupy the entire cave. 

One room would have been easy.  I could have removed the boxes from one area of the cave and everyone could co-exist while the rest of the place was still a mess.  No, not Jesus.  He wanted the total makeover. 

This room-mate is really special.  He is always asking me to take Him with me, everywhere I go.  When we are in the car together, His favorite radio station is K-Love, it reminds Him of home. 

Some of my friends aren't sure about my room-mate.  I think that is because they don't really know Him.  Let me know if you would like to meet Him.  He is eager to make some new friends.

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