Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Have You Ever Heard of Biological Adversity?

 Biological adversity is a type of stress that may help your body live longer.  Just like cholesterol, there's the good kind and bad kind of stress.  Consider biological stress as the good kind.  Trick your body into thinking the food supply is in danger and good things happen.

If you live in the United States, odds are you're living in abundance.  You eat three meals a day and snack when you feel the  first grumbling from your stomach.  You think, life is good.  The body responds and you go about your daily routine on cruise control.  One day you wake up and your cheese is moved.  Panic sets in.  Your primal instincts kick in and suddenly you're a caveman on the hunt.  That's biological adversity.

Don't wait for someone to move your cheese.  Pretend it's already gone.  Skip a meal.  Start running even if predators aren't chasing you.  Trick your body into perceiving danger.  You may find that certain longevity genes are turning on to face this biological adversity in front of you.  Intermittent fasting can become a new way of life.  Your fast food friends may miss you but your quality of life may improve.  Have a great day.

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