Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Do You Have a Happy Place?

 Think back to when you were a kid.  Choose a random day.  Look around and soak in every detail.  Who are you with?  What are you doing?  Are you happy?  Now, come back to the present and take another look around.  Same questions.  Who are you with?  What are you doing?  Are you happy?  If that happiness you possessed when you were a kid is missing, read on and let's see if we can get that happiness back.

There are many adults out there who simply believe adulthood is so loaded with problems that happiness can't fit in to their lives.  Silly me, the one who lives in a magical forest surrounded by magical creatures, for believing happiness can and should fit into every aspect of our lives, even in adulthood.  It's a state of mind, this happy place I'm referring to.  Yes, it was easy when we were kids and there were no bills to pay or jobs to go to.  Maybe that's why creating a happy place in your mind can help you be happy.

The best way to get to your happy place is to find it first thing in the morning before you get out of bed.  Wake up early so you don't feel rushed.  Let the happy place come to you while your eyes are closed and your mind is calm.  Dwell on past childhood memories.  Maybe you see yourself on the steel tennis courts hitting white tennis balls at your local high school with your cousin who hits with the same precision as his mentor, Steve Vidal.  It's a happy place, isn't it?  You can go there any time and be happy.  When you wake up, keep that happy place with you everywhere you go.  See?  Adulthood doesn't have to be so ugly. Have a great day.

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