Saturday, October 9, 2021

Win the Head Game First

 How are you doing with your head games?  It's a continuing challenge for me and I have good days as well as bad days.  When I win, life seems to go in a positive direction.  When I lose, the stench of defeat fills the air.  Air freshener can mask my loss but I know deep down that I lost and that's not good for my self esteem.  Why are those head games so challenging to win?  Maybe it has something to do with how well your own mind knows you.  It's like looking into the brain of a chess player and seeing the moves in advance so you can plan a counter-attack.  Your brain knows exactly how to push your buttons and get you to cave.

If you want to get serious with your goals, you must win the head game first.  Win this battle and you can set the world on fire.  Keep in mind this is a daily battle.  One victory doesn't mean much is you then lose six in a row.  The idea is to develop winning mind habits.  It starts first thing in the morning.  Your brain is already trying to stop you.  Every time you hit snooze your brain is logging a victory.  Decide today that you are going to win every head game.  Have a great day.

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