Monday, October 4, 2021

Division is the Dark Side's Favorite Math

 God's plan for us is for us to be fruitful and multiply.  He asks this of Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28.  That's what creators do, they multiply, adding value to what already exists.  Those on the dark side prefer a different kind of math.  Subtraction is their game but that's not their number one favorite type of math.  Division is their god.  Take a look around and pay attention to all the division you see.  A husband is divided against his wife.  A father and son do not see eye-to-eye.  A daughter opposes her mother.  Even amongst God's people, one house of worship on one side of the street is divided against the other house of worship on the other side of the street.  The list goes on.  Look no further than the House of Representatives or the Senate and you see the kind of division the world has not seen in modern times.  

Abraham Lincoln told us, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."  Too bad nobody is listening.  The world is seeing red and it's getting worse.  If today's story seems offensive, I apologize.  I'm only reporting what I see and division seems to be the hot ticket.  I do believe with all my heart that this division will one day be overcome.  Why do I believe this?  It's simply because I believe the Creator of the universe wins.  The dark side knows this.  That's why this world is so upside down right now.  The dark side wants division to be our god.  I choose to be on the positive side of all my math equations.  I offer prayers for those who have lost hope.  May Jesus help them to turn their negative numbers into positive numbers.  While it may be true that our math problems got complicated when one third of the angels turned away from God and when to the dark side, that still leave two thirds who are with us to help us find our way to the light.  Let's not forget that Jesus is with us no matter how much division we may face in this world.  Have a great day.

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