Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What Kind of Leader are You?

Like it or not, you're a leader.  The question I have for you is about the kind of leader you are.  Before you try to argue with me about why you're NOT a leader, please examine a typical day in your life.  If you're a parent, you're a leader.  School teacher?  Leader.  Do you share hobbies with others?  Leader.  The list goes on.  I'm even willing to bet that you lead others at work, irregardless of your title.

One of my earliest lessons about leadership came from my days teaching tennis in Canada.  My responsibilities off the courts included living in a cabin with the campers.  My buddies in the surrounding cabins had their own individual leadership styles.  My approach was to let the kids lead.  This worked so well that we won top honors every week for the cleanest cabin which gave the kids an opportunity to leave camp and see a movie in the town nearby. I found a way to lead without leading.  I still use this approach in all areas of my life today. If you're not happy with your style of leadership, give this a try.  Have a great day.

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