Saturday, July 11, 2020

A Lesson from a Tortured Soul

Today's story is not meant to be a political post.  It's meant to be a lesson from someone who was imprisoned in 1962 and sentenced to life for his role in conspiring to overthrow the state.  Nelson Mandela was freed after serving twenty-seven years and later became president of his country.

I read a story this morning about Mandela who asked his security team to join him for lunch.  Mandela invited another man to sit and eat with his team.  The man's hands were trembling.  Mandela's guards thought maybe the man was suffering from some kind of illness.  After the man departed, Mandela told his team that the man was a prison guard where he was incarcerated.  According to the story, Mandela would scream out for water after being tortured.  This guard would come over and urinate on Mandela.

Retaliation is human nature.  What Mandela did was not of this world.  This story reminds me of what Jesus would do in a similar situation.  For me, the lesson here is to forgive in all circumstances.  If you feel in any way that your soul is being tortured because of the color of your skin, the beliefs you hold, or any other situation you may be in that doesn't conform to the world, remember this story.  Go deep within your soul and find a way to forgive those who hurt you.  Have a great day.

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