Monday, May 23, 2016

How Long-term Dreams Benefit Your Wellness

Barring any unfortunate unseen circumstances beyond my control, I have a dream to be a national USTA doubles champion when I reach my 90's in thirty-five years.  Sound far-fetched?  Nope.  I already have my partner picked out.  He happens to be the doctor who challenged me to be his lab rat nine months ago when I needed help getting my health back on track.  He told me I already had two strikes against me because I was eating all the wrong foods and they were giving me some serious inflammation issues.  Left untreated, my tennis championship dreams would have been more like a figment of my imagination than a realistic goal.  The truth is most of my competition will be dead because they eat like the average American and the odds of a heart attack, stroke or cancer are high.

Long-term dreams benefit your wellness because they give your brain something to focus on.  Your food choices become healthier.  In fact, every choice you make is based on that picture you have in your mind about that dream you want to fulfill.  What are your long-term dreams?  Please take a moment to share in the comments section below.  Have a great day.

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