Sunday, May 1, 2016


Are you feeling distressed today because you noticed the calendar just flipped into May and you feel the whole year is slipping away?  Take a deep breath and relax.  There's plenty of time to right your ship and sail in the direction of your dreams.  I'm answering your SOS call with some words of encouragement.  I found a solution to all my problems, most of them self-inflicted due to poor navigation skills.  Want to give it a try?

Call on Jesus.  He is the master of time.  He is the prince of peace.  He is your solution.  Your trials won't end but you will find comfort in every storm.  Hold his hand and you will be able to walk on water.  Your maydays will be happy days.  In fact, every day will be a happy day.  Peace be with your Spirit.  Sail away.  Have a happy day.

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