Sunday, August 19, 2012

What is Love?

  1. Love is knowing how many scoops of coffee to put in the coffee machine for your spouse when you're not a coffee drinker.
  2. Love is seeing the beauty of a new gray hair.
  3. Love is desiring to spend your entire day with your spouse and do what they want to do.
  4. Love is that tingle you get when you see your spouse in your children.
  5. Love is when you hold hands and don't need to say anything.
  6. Love is when your greatest wish is to see a smile on your spouse's face.
  7. Love is when you realize you were created in His image and your spouse was, too.
  8. Love is writing a love letter to your spouse when it's not Valentine's day, or a birthday.
  9. Love is when you are given a wish and you give it to your spouse.
  10. Love is when two people have a dream and it's the same dream.

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