Saturday, November 14, 2020

This is How I'm Pushing My Benjamin Buttons

 I'm home.  My voice is shot from overuse and my body is exhausted.  Today was my first weigh-in since I departed three weeks ago for my day job assignment.  I had a feeling the new experiments I'm trying based on the book, "Lifespan," by David A. Sinclair would make an impact on my weight.  Well, I released 4.5 pounds by making small changes, mainly by implementing intermittent fasting.  

If you're curious about extending the quality and quantity of your life, pick up a copy of "Lifespan."  The idea is to make your body think there is some kind of danger, like a famine or a drop in temperature.  The body responds and takes precautions to handle adversity.  This doesn't happen when all is well and you never experience missing a meal.  I'm pushing my Benjamin Buttons by skipping meals now and then, exercising more regularly and allowing my body to experience cold temps once in a while.  Have a great day.

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