Monday, November 2, 2020

Divine Teamwork

I got an opportunity to worship yesterday in the town I'm visiting for three weeks while on assignment.  It was one of the most moving experiences ever.  The pastor and his congregation were in some kind of Divine alignment.  Even the organist who was next to the altar playing a pipe organ.  It reminded me how important it is to serve even during those times when we don't feel adequate.  

The pastor started out with an opening prayer that seemed different, even though I've heard it thousands of times.  His speech impediment made it unique, just as each of us our uniquely created in His image.  The congregation paused in unison every time the pastor got stuck.  The organist played in perfect harmony, as if she knew when a pause was coming.  It was really special to see the congregation come together like that.  All I can say is it was Divine Teamwork.  I'm thankful for what I witnessed yesterday.  Have a great day. 

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