Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Jesus is Looking for Essential Workers

 Imagine if Jesus were running for public office today.  Would you be an essential worker on his campaign?  Before you answer, consider the cost.  Early followers gave up everything.  Persecution and death were probable options.  

The dark side knows exactly what Jesus is all about.  Distortion, confusion and fear mongering are the tools used to discredit everything Jesus stands for.  Would you vote for someone who asks you to love your enemies?  Well, that's the platform.  Forgiveness is at the heart of the ticket.  Are you buying what Jesus is selling?

I'm only certain about one thing.  At the end of the day, half the country will be very happy and the other half sad. Jesus is my candidate.  I vote for him no matter how high the price I must pay.  Have a great day.

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